The distraught father of a young woman tragically killed in a car crash that claimed three lives is shattered that she will never meet her little sister.

Brooke Sorlie, 21, and Charlie Quinn, 18, were travelling in a car with two men, aged 21 and 20, through Tarago, about 40km south of Goulburn in the NSW Southern HIghlands, when the vehicle left the road and rolled at about 1.10pm on Sunday.

Ms Sorlie, Ms Quinn, and the 20-year-old man died at the scene while the 21-year-old driver, Lachlan Stuckey – Ms Quinn’s boyfriend – escaped with minor injuries.

He freed himself from the vehicle unassisted and was airlifted to Canberra Hospital for treatment and to undergo mandatory blood tests. 

He remains in hospital under police guard. 

Ms Sorlie’s father Svein Sorlie penned an emotional Facebook post on Tuesday.

‘Brooke Charmain Sorlie, my beautiful 21-year old daughter, tragically lost her life in a car accident just two days ago,’ he wrote. 

He revealed his heartache that Brooke would never meet her younger sister Amelia Grace, who was born in recent years.

Svein Sorlie (pictured centre) wrote a heartfelt tribute to his daughter Brooke (pictured right) who was killed in a triple-fatal crash over the weekend at Tarago in NSW.  Ms Sorlie's other sister Layla is pictured left.

Svein Sorlie (pictured centre) wrote a heartfelt tribute to his daughter Brooke (pictured right) who was killed in a triple-fatal crash over the weekend at Tarago in NSW.  Ms Sorlie’s other sister Layla is pictured left.

‘You never got to meet your little sister Amelia Grace, but I promise she will know all about you – your goodness, your fairness, and your wonderful soul,’ he wrote.

Mr Sorlie lives overseas and wrote how he regretted being apart from her.

‘The time we spent apart weighs heavily on me, yet I hold our cherished memories close – the trips, the laughter, the warm hugs. 

‘Our many adventures together over the years.’

He hailed his daughter as a ‘champion of fairness, a light in any room with your jolly and positive spirit, always bringing joy to those around you’.  

Mr Sorlie also recalled their last holiday together.

‘Our last trip and adventure, the two weeks of diving and other fun in El Nido Philippines, where filled with fantastic memories together with your sister.’

He ended his tribute to his daughter with heartfelt words.

‘They say that God loves flowers , and He certainly picked the best one in you my girl. You are forever in my heart, Dad,’ he wrote.

Brooke Sorlie was one of three lives lost in a car crash at Tarago, about 40km south of Goulburn in the NSW Southern Highlands on Sunday

Brooke Sorlie was one of three lives lost in a car crash at Tarago, about 40km south of Goulburn in the NSW Southern Highlands on Sunday

The tragedy have sparked an outpouring of tributes for the three crash victims, who are all from the Shoalhaven region on the NSW South Coast. 

One pal described Ms Quinn as an ‘amazing friend’.

‘She always had time for anyone always kind and positive was loved by everyone and had a contagious smile,’ they told Daily Mail Australia. 

Another friend said she would be ‘gone but never forgotten’. 

‘You will be by so many Char,’ they said. 

Brooke Sorlie, 21, (left) has been remembered by friends as a 'gorgeous angel'

Brooke Sorlie, 21, (left) has been remembered by friends as a ‘gorgeous angel’

Charlie Quinn, 18, has been remembered as a 'beautiful girl'

Charlie Quinn, 18, has been remembered as a ‘beautiful girl’

 ‘Rest easy girl. The love I have for you will never end.’ 

One of Ms Sorlie’s friends said she ‘always had a smile that would light up anyone’s day’.

‘I will always cherish my memories with you gorgeous girl,’ she said. 

‘Love you Brookie chookie.’ 

Another friend of Ms Sorlie’s wrote online: ‘Fly high gorgeous angel.’

‘Looking at the sky for you.’

According to social media, Ms Quinn left Bomaderry High School last year and was pursuing further studies through TAFE.

Ms Sorlie, an avid equestrian, graduated from St John the Evangelist Catholic High School in Nowra several years ago.

Pictures posted online show the girls enjoying the prime time of their lives – going on holidays with their boyfriends, attending music festivals, and hanging out with friends.

Daily Mail Australia understands the group were travelling back home to the Shoalhaven region at the time of the crash.  

A woman who was one of the first responders at the scene said she and other bystanders worked desperately to save the lives of the other man and woman while waiting for emergency services to arrive.

‘They were unconscious. We were giving them CPR but it just wouldn’t work. It was awful,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

Two women and a man were killed when the vehicle veered off the road and rolled at Tarago

Two women and a man were killed when the vehicle veered off the road and rolled at Tarago

‘One girl was still trapped in the car – the driver’s girlfriend. I can still hear hear his screams.

‘He was screaming to try and get in the car to get his girlfriend out.’ 

Special crash investigators are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, including whether speed was a factor.

The tragedy has sparked outrage online as locals slam the condition of the road, which is frequented by freight trucks.

‘One of the worst roads I’ve driven on. Patched potholes everywhere. It’s been shocking for years,’ one person said.

Another added: ‘The roads are a disgrace. I drive on them a lot and it is not fair that the roads are in this condition.’

A report will be prepared for the coroner. 

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