Deadpool is coming to the rescue of Jamie Lee Curtis, who kicked the hornets’ nest of Marvel fans with comments to MTV.

Curtis mocked Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which she compared unfavorably to her film, the Oscar-winning Everything Everywhere All at Once.

She claimed Doctor Strange was missing “a dynamite dildo fight scene as well as a very erotic hotdog hand-mating dance.” In contrast, her film “has a deep BEATING heart and BRILLIANT visual treats, EXTRAORDINARY performances and FANTASTIC BEASTLY FIGHT SCENES…… AND it COST LESS than the ENTIRE craft service budget on Doctor Strange and/or any other Marvel movie.”

The MCU fandom reacted to the insult with a barrage of unkind comments. She apologized earlier today.

Ryan Reynolds tried to quell the storm today with a response that absolved Curtis.

“Wait, is everyone expected to apologize for slamming Marvel post-Endgame?” he wrote, indicating that opinions – even negative ones – are fine.

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