In “A Quiet Place II,” Henri is the leader of a small island colony of survivors. As the aliens cannot swim, those on the island were able to reestablish life as somewhat normal. He explains to the Abbott Family (and their friend, Cillian Murphy’s character Emmett) that after the government also discovered the creatures’ inability to swim, the National Guard attempted to move survivors out to the islands. Unfortunately, all of the commotion of trying to organize people on the boats drew more creatures to what was essentially an all-you-can-kill buffet of people. Of the 12 boats prepped for escaping New York City, only two made it out.

When the Abbotts arrive, they tell Henri their plan to broadcast the feedback of Regan’s hearing aid over the island’s radio system, as the sound has been proven to kill the creatures. Henri helps them on their journey but when things look to be too dangerous, decides against it to protect his family. Tragically, he expresses this a little too loudly, and a creature that managed to make it to the island hears him and kills him. Knowing Henri’s fate makes his inclusion in “A Quiet Place: Day One” all the more tragic because his presence is a dark omen for things to come.

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