Time is money in the golf world, but apparently a prime FOX series in the ’00s didn’t pay as well as all those customers hoping to land a tee time. “The golf courses around here don’t want to stop play,” Beers recounted, noting that it would’ve taken “several days” just to get all the set dressing in place for the shoot, including “laying the plane in and scarring the ground and then going back and repairing everything once we were done.”

In due time, he and his fellow producers realized they were better off just assembling their own makeshift golf course instead. “So we’ll go to where they’ll let us do it,” Beers added. “We’ll cut some grass, put a flag in, and there’s your golf course. That way you’re able to open your lens up and not get hit by golf balls!”

While the episode may have been lacking for zany golf escapades, “The Man on the Fairway” made up for that by having Zack and his lab buddy Jack Hodgins (T.J. Thyne) chuck a frozen pig into a wood chipper to “test” their theory about the mystery victim. This would itself give rise to the long running gag involving Hodgins’, ahem, unconventional methods of data collection on “Bones.” Let those hoity-toity upper-class types keep their pristine golf course, I say; everyone knows that if you wanna have some real fun, set a bunch of eccentric science-types loose in a laboratory.

“Bones” is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Hulu.

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