During THR’s Drama Actor’s Roundtable, Hamm was asked point-blank what he would do if someone called him up and asked him to do more “Mad Men.” Hamm responded first by shaking his head “no,” then added: “Part of it is that there’s no story to tell. We ran out of story.” However, Hamm continued, “No, obviously, you never say never.” Oh, okay then! Does that mean he’s going to say yes? No, not exactly. As the actor continued: “But [the way we ended the series] felt satisfying to me. And I think it was very satisfying to the audience as well. I’m happy with the way that [the show] lives in my life, and I would love it to stay there.”
This is a refreshing answer, because I think Hamm is right. While it might be fun to check in with the much older “Mad Men” in, oh, let’s say the 1980s, the show really felt like it came to a solid conclusion, and returning to that well probably wouldn’t be the best idea. However, that didn’t stop Hamm from reprising his Don Draper role in Jerry Seinfeld’s recent very silly Netflix movie, “Unfrosted.” Then again, that was just a quick, and goofy, cameo. Anything beyond that seems to be off the table, at least for Hamm.
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